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an extension of your staff

As an extension of your staff, we courteously and expertly maintain communications with property owners, title companies, mortgage companies, tax services, and other local governments. Our website, AMGNV.COM, provides a myriad of information to the interested public. Not only is this very helpful to property owners, it is of great use to title companies and mortgage companies who may need time-critical information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Absolute Commitment to Superior Service, Resources, and Technology.
Assessment Management Group

Office: 702-796-0082 | Fax: 702-796-8826

* Installment Billings * Communications with Property Owners * Delinquent Billings * Payoffs * Lien Releases * Lockbox Analysis * Revenue Sufficiency Analysis * Bond Redemptions * Reserve Fund Maintenance * 1098 Statements * Foreclosure * Certificates of Sale * Title Company Communications * Mortgage Company Communications * Tax Service Coordination *

All Materials Copyright © 2001-2025 Assessment Management Group.