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Frequently Asked Questions

 Q 1: Why was the Improvement District Created?
 Q 2: What are my assessment installment payments used for?
 Q 3: Who is responsible for payment?
 Q 4: How often are assessments installments billed?
 Q 5: I received a bill that state "No payment due at this time". What does this mean?
 Q 6: Can the assessment be paid in advance?
 Q 7: Is there a penalty for prepaying my assessment?
 Q 8: What happens if I sell my home?
 Q 9: Are there penalties for failure to pay / underpayment of assessment installments?
 Q 10: What about Overpayments?
 Q 11: Is my assessment limited to the property I own?
 Q 12: Who do I call if I have other questions regarding my assessment?
 Q 13: Can Assessment payments be made with foreign funds?
 Q 14: Why do you need my TaxID number (SSN #)?
 Q 15: Why do my payments get mailed outside of Nevada?

Q1: Why was the Improvement District Created?
A: Improvement districts are created to fund public improvements such as roads, curbs, sidewalks, utilities, etc. Usually, these public improvements are funded from the proceeds of a bond issue sold by the municipality. All properties benefitting from these improvements are included in the District.
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Q2: What are my assessment installment payments used for?
A: To repay the principal and interest on the bonds issued to finance the cost of the public improvements.
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Q3: Who is responsible for payment?
A: Each assessment constitutes a lien on the property similar to a mortgage and must be paid by the property owner. All assessment bills are mailed to the property owner. It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain a current and correct mailing address with the Assessor's Office.
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Q4: How often are assessments installments billed?
A: Assessment installments are billed either on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. Late Penalties for delinquent installments can be substantial. To avoid late penalties and potential sale and foreclosure proceedings, please pay the minimum amount due prior to the Due Date.
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Q5: I received a bill that state "No payment due at this time". What does this mean?
A: This means that there is no payment currently due. An overpayment from the prior billing period was applied to the current installment, or a payment was received prior to the mailing of the assessment bill.
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Q6: Can the assessment be paid in advance?
A: Yes, the assessment may be paid in full at any time. The current Payoff Amount is indicated on the front of the bill. This value is valid only if received on, or prior to, the Due Date. Assessments can also be partially pre-paid. Partial prepayments must be indicated on the payment coupon.
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Q7: Is there a penalty for prepaying my assessment?
A: Yes. The prepayment penalty percentage may vary over time according to the terms of the Assessment Ordinance. The payoff amount on the front portion of the bill includes the prepayment penalty.
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Q8: What happens if I sell my home?
A: The remaining assessment is transferred to the new owner at the time of sale.
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Q9: Are there penalties for failure to pay / underpayment of assessment installments?
A: Yes, if an assessment payment is not received or postmarked on or before the Due Date indicated on the bill, a late penalty will be imposed. In addition, failure to pay an assessment installment when due may cause the whole amount of the outstanding assessment to become due and payable immediately as a result of the commencement of sale or foreclosure proceedings.
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Q10: What about Overpayments?
A: If an overpayment is received, the amount of the overpayment will be credited in the manner indicated on the payment coupon. If no selection is indicated, the overpayment will be applied in accordance with policy established by the municipality.
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Q11: Is my assessment limited to the property I own?
A: The assessment levied on any property owner's tax parcel is limited to the individual piece of property. As a property owner, you will never be liable for any other owner(s) assessment(s).
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Q12: Who do I call if I have other questions regarding my assessment?
A: Please call Assessment Management Group at 702-796-0082.
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Q13: Can Assessment payments be made with foreign funds?
A: No, All assessment payments must be paid in US funds / currency.
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Q14: Why do you need my TaxID number (SSN #)?
A: The interest portion on the assessment installment may be tax deductible. If an amount of $600.00 or more is paid in a year’s period, a 1098 may be issued. If a 1098 is filled, a TaxID (SSN #) would need to be provided. No 1098 will be issued for any property in the name of a LLC or Trust.
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Q15: Why do my payments get mailed outside of Nevada?
A: The major banks in Nevada (i.e. Wells Fargo, Bank of America, US Bank) no longer have processing centers in Nevada to process payments being sent into the municipality. In order for the payments to be processed all payment are mailed to the bank’s processing center in California, Arizona, or Oregon.
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Absolute Commitment to Superior Service, Resources, and Technology.
Assessment Management Group

Office: 702-796-0082 | Fax: 702-796-8826

* Installment Billings * Communications with Property Owners * Delinquent Billings * Payoffs * Lien Releases * Lockbox Analysis * Revenue Sufficiency Analysis * Bond Redemptions * Reserve Fund Maintenance * 1098 Statements * Foreclosure * Certificates of Sale * Title Company Communications * Mortgage Company Communications * Tax Service Coordination *

All Materials Copyright © 2001-2024 Assessment Management Group.